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  • Teucrium fruticans L.

  • 供应商家:杭州钱塘文怡苗木场
  • 发布时间:2025/2/2
  • 供应地点:浙江杭州
  • 该信息已被查询

Hangzhou Qiantang Vennie Botanical Planting Farm is located in Xiaoshan, the famous town of flowers and trees. It is an enterprise specialized in planting and selling botanical products. It mainly deals in young plants, ground cover plants, aquatic plants, trees and shrubs, bamboo plants, lianas, and all kinds of grass and flowers. The company has more than 10 years of experience in botanical planting and marketing. Relying arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">

1. Direct selling and wholesale in producing area;

2. Select botanical planting products according to the standard, lift plants by skilled workers, and package standard;

3. Qualified acceptance, loading according to the requirements to ensure the integrity of the soil ball, protect the rights and interests of customers;

Contact: Lu Jianguo Tel: (+86)15805814143

Teucrium fruticans L. 由 杭州钱塘文怡苗木场 提供,致电了解详情
15805814143    0571-15805814143
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