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  • 太湖石外贸假山出口Taihu rockery export

  • 供应商家:安徽泰艺园林太湖石基地
  • 发布时间:2020/10/28
  • 有效期限:2021/12/22
  • 供应地点:安徽宣城
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Taihu, also known as hole stone, rockery stone, is slowly eroded limestone was formed long, divided into two kinds of water, stone and dry stone. Water in rivers and lakes in stone is cleaned by the waves, lasting erosion and slow formation. Dry stone is a limestone geological periods lasting erosion in acid red soil formed. Shapes, gestures thousands, psychic-clear Taihu, the color that best embodies the "wrinkle, leakage, thin, through" the beauty, the color white stone for many, little green Blackstone, Yellowstone. Especially yellow more scarce, it is particularly suitable arrangement parks, lawns, schools, courtyards and other tourism scenery. It has a high ornamental value. "Taihu" play the four famous ancient Chinese stone, stone one (Yingshi, Taihu, Lingbi stone, yellow stone), because of the rich and ancient Taihu Lake region is famous for, is an exquisitely carved ornamental stone. There Taihu a broad sense, that is formed by the karst mix of each property carbonate collectively "Taihu."

太湖石外贸假山出口Taihu rockery export 由 安徽泰艺园林太湖石基地 提供,致电了解详情
13866959618    0563-6853020
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